Anaphylaxis (allergic reactions)

( ) I know I have blogged about this before, but food allergies are still such a part of our lives. Hubby and I both have allergies, along with all 3 of our kids. But food allergies are a problem for myself and Son #2. There are various things that can trigger anaphylaxis such as: Foods - peanuts, treenuts (walnuts, pecans, cashews, almonds), eggs, milk, fish and shellfish (shrimp and lobster) and soy. To learn more about food allergies, click here. Medications - ibuprofen (Advil), asprin, antibiotics and anesthetics. Click here to learn more. Insect stings - yellow jackets, wasps, bees, hornets and fire ants. Click here to learn how to avoid stings. Latex - disposable gloves, syringes, and IV tubes. Click here for more information. I am allergic to seafood, and it can show up in the strangest places. I was at a catered lunch that asked for an RSVP, and I did mention that I was allergic to seafood. However, after I scooped a little pulled pork on my plate, I came upon ...