School nurses and asthma

So what's the Winning With Asthma ? It's a way to help out the school nurses by having other people know what to do if a student has an asthma attack. I just read an article in our local paper, and I am stunned by how hard the school nurses work. I know they don't just take care of asthma, they have to deal with students that have diabetes, seizure disorders, ADHD, and developmental delays just to list a few. Then, what about the student who falls and hits their head while on the monkey bars? Or someone who falls of the swing and breaks their arm? In our area, there are 3 school districts. One school district has a nurse/student ratio of 1:6,004, another has 1:4,222 and another has 1:7,643. What do you do if your son or daughter has an asthma attack? Is the school nurse there? For Kitty, she's fine as long as she has an asthma attack on Thursday between 8:00 am and 12:00 pm. For Son #2, he can have an asthma attack on Mondays between 8:00 am and 12:00 pm. That's...