Stair climb for American Lung

Not one to turn down an opportunity to talk about asthma, Kitty and Hubby and I went to our local American Lung Association fundraiser. They had asked Kitty to hand out medals to the finishers of the stair climb of an office tower. Now this is no ordinary office tower, it's 23 floors, so people had the chance to climb all 23 flights of stairs, then get a medal at the end. Some crazy people were climbing it multiple times. Kitty and Hubby climbed it 3 times, so that would equal 69 flights of stairs. However, there were those crazy people that climbed for HOURS, some were doing the 23 stories over 20 times. That's equal to 460 stories. And, not to be outdone, there were fire fighters who wore their full gear, including their mask and oxygen tank, and climbed all 23 stories. Someone said their gear weighs 60 pounds, that's like carrying a small child up 23 stories. They are amazing, many of them collapsed to their knees and their fellow fire fighters helpe...