When is it time to change to a different asthma inhaler?

As I was using my asthma disc the other day, it dawned on my that my asthma has been well controlled lately. Hhmm. I was looking over the 'step wise' approach listed in the national asthma guidelines a couple of weeks ago. One of the recommendations is to 'step down' medications if your asthma has been in control for 3 months. I think I'll set an appointment with Asthma Doc. I'm on a combination medication right now, sometimes people can step down on their doses or strength of their daily controller inhaler. Or - they may be able to step down to an inhaled corticosteroid. Check with your doctor and see if they think you are ready. They should do a pulmonary lung function test to see your lung capacity and review your use of Albuterol to determine how your lungs are. As I look out the window at the snow and cold weather, I wonder if this is a good time for me to step down. We're headed into flu season (and pneumonia season...