Common Asthma Triggers

Well, about triggers. I already mentioned mine being cold temperatures (along with dust, grass, trees and ragweed) Exercise induced asthma My Son #1 has exercise induced asthma. I can always tell when he's been playing ultimate Frisbee with his friends, because I can hear him coughing all night. You would think by now he would remember to premedicate (use his inhaler 20 minutes before he does sports). But he never remembers. Respiratory infections He also has problems with respiratory infections making his asthma worse (as do most people with asthma). A simple cold for people without asthma usually morphs into pneumonia or bronchitis. Strong emotions Son #2 has problems with emotions. Every time he starts a hearty laugh, he instantly starts coughing. Grass, trees and ragweed He is also allergic to all animals, and anything green that grows (grass, trees and ragweed.) ...